Monday, 18 June 2007

Atmosphere of trust

" Poverty is a chronic disease. It cannot be cured with ad hoc measures. There may be short-run measures, but one must have a long-term strategy in mind when taking a quick tactical step.

One short programme is totally ineffective in this regard. Continuity of relationships creates an atmosphere of trust which helps to lay down the foundation of a higher level of relationship. Projects can have an impact only when a long-term commitment underlies them. "

Muhammad Yunus "Banker to the poor"
(Noble Peace Prize Winner 2006 for his work in microcredit with the Grameen Bank)

1 comment:

mayzie said...

I have been reminded a number of times lately about how important it is to have a long term committment to relationships. I think it is very easy to forget just how important it is to have a long term motive. If we value relationships then this is maybe really the only way.